Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Genetic Engineering is!!!!

Wednesday, Jan 6, 2010

Hello friends!!!!
Every one of you might have heard about the awesome story of "the Hare and the Rabbit".

What is there in the story??

There were two sweet friends, a tortoise and a hare. One day hare challenges tortoise for winning a race. Tortoise accepts the challenge.
On the decided day and time, race starts. Tortoise was moving slowly but CONSISTENTLY. Hare was moving very FAST but was overconfident.Then seeing that he was far ahead of the tortoise, he thought he'd sit under a tree for some time and relax before continuing the race.He sat under the tree and soon fell asleep. But tortoise was moving consistently without any break. He was aimed at reaching the finish line, how far it be. At the end tortoise wins the race.

Lessons from the story:

Lesson 1: Never underestimate others and overeatimate yourself.
Lessson 2: Be consistent if you want to win life's race.
Lesson 3: Take challenges, how big it be, believe in yourself.

Genetic Engineering creates something new!!

Modifications, mutations, and natural selection takes a huge amount of time to develop a great variety of organism. But we, the human wants every things today and now. We don't want to wait for hundreds or thousands of years.
Genetic engineering is what helping us to finish a making a brand new product of desired qualities without consuming much of our time.

Genetic engineering is all about playing with genes. We replace unwanted genes with new (desired) genes of desired characters or integrates new genes to a genome.

Took the story for example:
Gene A codes for consistency in tortoise.
Gene B codes for the slow speed of tortoise.
Genetic engineering takes desired gene (gene A) and integrates it to the Rabbit Genome (DNA).

And here is a brand new organism Super Hare, which won't loose any race. Similarly we can take hare's genes responsible for fast moving and integrate to tortoise to develop a tortoise that can run. Hurray!!! we got it
Genetically modified tortoise capable of running

Similarly we also can integrate good qualities of others and eliminate bad ones. This is how technically we can make improved humans!!

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