Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Negative Motivation

Motivation is a reason that makes you do something. People lacking motivation feel depressed and dull. There can be various sources of motivation such as reading or listening biography of great people, watching inspirational movies, videos, attending a seminar by a motivational speaker. All these are the examples are positive motivations.
I will tell you another and an extraordinary kind of motivation called "Negative Motivation". The term was coined by me when I was thinking about people who stops you from taking risks, who restricts your dreams and potential, who makes you feel down. But there are examples of those who got motivated by such people and their obstructive, detrimental suggestions about live to get up and work hard and attain great heights to prove them wrong.
Both success and failure story can be a source of your motivation. It depends on you how you look at them.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Fastest growing plants, Bamboos

Bamboos are among the most indispensable plants.  Bamboos are unique plants due to their high ligno-cellulose rich biomass, lightness, strength, hollowness and ability to be mechanized into different products. In the list of fastest growing plants, bamboo is on the top. It can grow at an amazing rate of 1 meter per day. It can reach tremendous heights of up to 30 meters within 2-4 months. Different species of bamboo grows in different season; for e.g., Dendrocalamus hamiltonii grows in monsoon, whereas, Phyllostachys edulis grows in spring. Genetic basis of growth is recently reveled by our research group (Bhandawat et al. 2017).
For details follow the link: How bamboo grows?

Thursday, February 2, 2017

World make us and we can change the world

I would like to write about a very interesting topic today. All of us whether plants, animals or human beings live in close association with our environment. I wanna make point that environment has a significant impact not only on our health but behavior too. Our body is what we eat,  what we breathe and what we drink. But there is one more environment that determines how we think, believe and respond, that is our society,  our friends,  our parents that makes our mindset, who makes us live a life they teach. Their beliefs unknowingly become our own beliefs and this continues to pass on to other people of that society. You might have observed when you go to an expensive restaurant your behavior is different than if you have had visited a dhaba. Similarly, when you are with friends you are different than what you are when you are with parents. Likewise if your society is full of honest,  disciplined, irrational, hard working , humble, highly motivated,  it is most likely you too will be the same as they are. It is wise to be in company of good people like whom you want to be.
On the contrary we as a human being has gifted with a brain that has enormous potential and ability to choose our lives whatsoever the situations are,  in whatever environment we are at any moment of time.  However, this requires extraordinary courage to stand and persist even when time gets tough and world goes against you. Always remember with your perseverance, determination and patience you have the power to change the world.